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Re:'s Services
Thank you for taking the time to consider, Consumer Delivery Systems as a delivery
agent for your customers.

I feel certain that, given the opportunity, DeliverFirst will serve your customers well while setting a new
standard for what you should expect from a delivery service. Our dedication to professional, courteous
and timely service can only serve to strengthen your continuing relationship with your customers.

Your business is critical to's growth and ability to expand the services we can offer to
improve customer satisfaction, while increasing sales and profitability. Look for the following additional
services in the near future:

* On line delivery scheduling

* 2-way radio contact between all of our clients and all of DeliverFirst's trucks
(Status of any delivery or addition of emergency deliveries may be accommodated at a moments notice)

Thanks in advance for your anticipated business.


George W. Braun, Jr.


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